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Showing posts from April, 2010

8 feet - home made C band satellite dish antenna

In this project we design 8 feet C band satellite dish antenna and some of its specifications are listed in below, Diameter of the reflector : 248.0cm F/D ratio : 0.391 Focal length : 91.5cm Calculated gain (Aprox.) : 40.23 dB Materials used for reflector : Aluminum sheets and Aluminum nets Number of panels (in reflector) : 4 units Materials used for Mounting mechanism : Steel Weight (Aprox.) : 40 - 45 kg (without antenna positioning system) LNBF : Generic dual twin C band LNBF Antenna positioning system : Using D.C motorized actuator

Repairing Sony PlayStation 2 Game Console

One of my friend had Sony PlayStation 2 (SCPH-39000 series) game console and in few months back it get fail because of the internal short-circuit due to spill of some liquid over the game console. Finally he sends it to me to repair it, and I found some problems in both PSU (Power Supply Unit) and motherboard of the console. In first round of the repair I replace IC807 (78M05), PS013 fuse and all the related parts near that area (because I notice some burn marks in that location) except IC806 (NJM12904). Other than that I replace R278 (1.5k), R279 (1K + 100R), R491 to R495 (with wire links), R470 (100K), Q415 (2SC2873), Q406 (IRF7901, I got this transistor from another old PS2 game console main board, available in junk store), F001 (with some 42 S.W.G copper wire) and D404 (with 3 × 1N4148 diodes). When I replace and re-solder some of the parts as described above, I got the video signal (PS2 startup splash and main menu) from the console. But system may not produce any audio signals (i...