This is 8 channel CMOS logic probe and pulsar which is useful when designing, testing and faultfinding in digital circuits. This circuit is designed using commonly available CMOS logic ICs which including a couple of 4069 hex inverters and 4040 binary counter. A prototype version of 8 channel logic probe and pulsar The logic probe of this system is based on 4069 hex inverters and it indicates logic high and low states with 2 LEDs. Logic pulsar of this circuit is capable to generate 12 frequencies and highest frequency it can generate is 420kHz. This pulsar generates a square wave with 50% duty cycle and it's average rise time is 16µS. Both schematic and PCB design of this logic probe and pulsar are available to download at google drive . In this schematic, all LED-L connections should connect to the anode of LEDs and cathode should be connected to the VSS terminal of J31 ( LED-L-H ) connector. All LED-H connections should connect to the cathode of LEDs and anode must...
This blog contains electronic, amateur radio, and embedded system projects, which I did during my free time. Unless otherwise noted, all the articles and projects described on this blog are based on my original designs.