Portable Image File (PIF) is an embedded-systems friendly, bitmap-like image format with ease of use and small size. This image format develops by the gfcwfzkm (aka Pascal) for low-end embedded systems. The file format and PIF's original implementation are available at https://github.com/gfcwfzkm/PIF-Image-Format.
In this project, I developed an open-source library for the above file format to get used in Lazarus and Delphi programming languages.
This PIF library supports Windows and Linux operating systems, including Raspberry Pi OS.
Sample application in Linux environment. |
The library is available at https://github.com/dilshan/pascal-pif-library.
The library methods are self-explanatory, and sample projects are available for Lazarus and Delphi.
For example, the following code block demonstrates opening the Portable Image File and displaying it on the TImage.
var pifObj: TPortableImageFile; begin pifObj := TPortableImageFile.Create('sample-image.pif'); Image1.Picture.Bitmap := pifObj.Image; FreeAndNil(pifObj); end;
The sample projects are available in the samples directory of the project repository. The tests directory contains unit tests written using Lazarus.