LSI Computer System's LS7220 is a digital code lock system for automotive systems. This LS7220 integrated circuit is difficult to find in many places and because of that we design some alternative system which simulate the functionality of LS7220 code lock system. This simulated system executes on top of the PIC16F628A 8bit MCU and it release as an open hardware project. LS7220 is a "hard-wired" code-locking system, but this simulated system provides both "hard-wired" and customizable (re-programmable) code locking options. This re-programmable feature provides some higher degree of protection to the system and it allows user/administrator to change system’s code at any given time by without changing the wiring layout(s) of the system. Pinouts of Programmed MCU In this project PIC16F628A MCU use its internal 4MHz oscillator and because of that it doesn't require any external clocking source(s). This system is design to work with 5V DC power supply...
This blog contains electronic, amateur radio, and embedded system projects, which I did during my free time. Unless otherwise noted, all the articles and projects described on this blog are based on my original designs.